Maui Orchid Society
Where Flowers & Fellowship Blossom

About Us
The Maui Orchid Society is dedicated to education, preservation, and cultivation of Orchids. On Maui, we are fortunate to enjoy a climate that allows us to grow a variety of orchids.
Our meetings are open to the general public, held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. For meeting location, see our Home page. We invite everyone with a passion for orchids to join the Society to enrich your orchid experience with our Ohana.
In prior years, we have many shows throughout the year, including our largest display, Orchidland, at the Maui Fair. All of our shows conduct Ribbon Judging, and American Orchid Society Judging, and offer plants for sale from local growers. Shows have been on hold since 2020 due to COVID and the lack of community space to hold events.
Meetings present an opportunity for further education, orchid cultivation, and fellowship with professional growers from around the world. Plants available for purchase at our monthly meetings.
The Maui Orchid Society has a Non-Profit Status and is classified by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization under Sec. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This Code section deals with charitable, educational, religious and scientific organizations. Donations are appreciated and may be mailed to the Maui Orchid Society at PO Box 2061, Kahului, Hawaii 96733.
2024 Officers &
Board of Directors
President: Andy Ho
1st Vice President: Bert Akitake
2nd Vice President: Dean Trotzuk
Secretary: Monica Aursland
Treasurer: Holly Ho
Assist Treasurer:
Trevor Pechin
Board of Directors
Sandi Amaral
Mike Blietz
Donna Brown
Carol Choda
Alene Farner
Anne Miller
Rose Payba
Maryetta Sciuto
Martha Suzuki
75th Anniversary Yearbook
Learn more about the Maui Orchid Society by purchasing your 75th Anniversary Yearbook while supplies last. Books will be available for $5 each at all Maui Orchid Society events, shows, and general meetings. Our 75th Anniversary Yearbook includes well written informative articles by our members, pictures of past shows and events. Members and orchid enthusiasts must have this book to proudly share with friends and family. If one picture is worth a 1000 words, this yearbook has a billion beautiful words.

2024 Volunteers
Sandi Amaral
Rose Payba
Bert Akitake
Dean Trotzuk
Show & Tell:
Andy Okada
Dean Trotzuk
75 Years Ago
33 Years Ago
Tuesday evening March 4th 1941, twenty amateur orchid enthusiests met at the home of Dr. and Mrs. K. Izumi, for the purpose of creating the Maui Orchid Society. The year’s program was drawn up, which included an orchid exhibit, demonstrations, potting, field trips, orchid movies, talks and discussions.
This is the same program model the Maui Orchid Society uses today.
On August 25,1983, Don Williams, Dorothy Nishida, and Noboru Koito, the presiding officers of the Maui Orchid Society, petitioned the State of Hawaii to become a non-profit corporation.
Today the society has a membership of over two hundred enthusiasts. The monthly meetings are held at the Wailuku Community Center, every third Tuesday of each month. Some of the Society’s annual functions are field trips, e.g., a trip to Tokyo, Japan in 2016; and four American Orchid Society sanctioned shows (three at the Maui Mall Shopping Center and Orchidland at the Maui Fair). The Society also offers a Nursery Tour during which members are allowed to visit growers greenhouses.
Throughout the year the Society promotes, educates, and encourages its members to care for their orchids and their propagation.
As a non-profit organization, we operate by using funds from membership dues, contributions, and fundraising activities.
2024 Event &
Show Chairs
Due to the lack of a suitable venue, events and shows are currently on hold for 2024. Please check back later for further updates.